
Training And Leadership Support

Invest partners with local organizations like the Community Building Institute (CBI), LISC and others to offer training opportunities on topics of interest to community councils and non-profit organizations. Workshops have covered such topics as running meetings, planning skills, leadership skills, public relations, newsletters, and grant writing. To find out what our latest training series are, and presentations from previous, go to the Training pages.

Invest has been putting on the annual Neighborhood Summit since 2003.  Check out the most recent ones on the Summit pages.

Technical Assistance/Supportive Services

Invest in Neighborhoods makes available technical assistance/supportive services such as operation and administrative procedures; financial management; grant writing; project planning and development; and community advocacy.  Whether through phone consultation, one-on-one or small group meetings, group presentations, or on-site training these services are available to community councils, their boards, officers, and/or trustees and to other community-based organizations.

Leadership Manual

Invest maintains a comprehensive step-by-step guide to forming, organizing, and conducting the business of a neighborhood community council. This Leadership Handbook addresses legal and tax requirements, necessary skills for leaders, conduct of meetings, fund raising and related topics. Much of it is available here.

Other resources
Need help with bylaw revisions? Start here:  Model Bylaws

Information, forms and more for specific Invest member programs: Member Resources


Invest in Neighborhoods
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