NSP Reporting and Documentation


  1. NSP Final Report Packet
    1. Directions to Fill out Forms
    2. Spending Report & Documentation
    3. Final Performance Report
    4. Example NSP Final Report Packet
    5. alternative – spreadsheet FY23 Final report – detailed project expenditures and summary tables
  2. Additional Documentation
    1. NSP Volunteer Hours Summary Log
    2. NSP Hourly Paid Worker Summary Log
  3. Templates for Documentation of Expenses (as needed)
    1. Cash Receipt Template
    2. Reimbursement Request Template
  4. Amendments
    1. Formal Amendment Form 
    2. Informal Amendment Form 

Document Retention:
Additional forms and templates that are necessary to have on file, but are not needed by IIN

  1. Individual Volunteer Waiver and Release Form
  2. Individual Hourly Paid Worker Waiver and Release Form
  3. Individual Volunteer Time Sheet
  4. Individual Hourly Paid Worker Time Sheet
  5. Project Volunteer Tracking Log
  6. Project Hourly Paid Worker Tracking Log
  7. Monthly Expenditure Report template

Quick Link: NSP Guidelines

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