NSP Proposal Packet

Quick Links:  NSP home | Guidelines | Proposal Packet | Reporting & Documentation

NSP Proposal Process:
NOTE:  you may NOT submit for FY25 until your FY24 has been APPROVED

A Community Council’s NSP proposal must be approved in an open meeting which includes any residents living within that neighborhood, regardless of membership status, prior to making a presentation to the NSP Review Committee. 

Proposals are submitted prior to the Review Committee Meeting.  The opportunity will be given to Councils to revise their proposals prior to the Review Committee Meeting. The Review Committee votes to recommend the approval of the proposals. 

Please review before completing packet:NSP – Guidelines

Read prior to completing forms for Directions and example: NSP Proposal Packet (.pdf)
Forms are provided below in .doc format to fill in for submission

Each Council must submit the following when applying for NSP funds:
(Forms below)

Section I: Applicant Information & Documentation

  1. Applicant Information
  2. EEO Statement and Information
  3. NSP Vote
  4. Persons authorized to handle funds
  5. Signed Verification
  6. Community Council Profile and Board Members
  7. Documentation
    1. Please attach the following to all new proposals:
      1. Meeting Minutes & Sign-In Sheets from the meeting where the NSP Proposal was introduced, reviewed and voted on by the Neighborhood – including all residents, regardless of Council membership
    2. Please attach the following to all new proposals only if changed between July 31 and the submission due date
      1. Proof of Active Status with the Ohio Secretary of State
      2. Certificate of Liability Insurance & D&O**
      3. Community Council Bylaws or Constitution

**Note:  if your Council participates in IIN’s Insurance Aggregation Program, you do not need to send your certificate

Section II: Proposal Packet

       Submission, Directions, & Supplemental Information

  1. Total Summary Budget (all projects)
  2. Detailed Project Description (1 each per project)
  3. Detailed Project Budget (1 each per project)

You may make changes to your original proposal via Formal Amendments or Informal amendments:
Section III: Amendments
Formal and Informal Amendments

Please review before completing packet:  NSP – Guidelines

Read prior to completing forms for directions, checklist and example: NSP Proposal Packet
Forms are provided below in .doc format to fill in for submission

Submit I & II

I. Applicant Information and Documentation
     1. Applicant Information
     2. EEO Statement and Information
     3. NSP Proposal as voted on at Council Meeting
     4. Persons authorized to handle funds
     5. Verification
     6. Community Council Profile and Board Members
     7. Document Checklist

 II. Proposal Forms

      1.  Proposed NSP Projects Summary Sheet   
      2.  Detailed Project Description (each project, additional forms below)
      3. Detailed Budget Each Project **      

Additional Detailed Project Forms

**Alternative – You may combine all the detailed project budgets into single sheet:  Excel –  Detailed Budget All Projects

III.  Amendments
     1.  Formal Amendment

Formal Amendment Form

     2.  Informal Amendment

Informal Amendment Form 


Additional Forms
Community Council Profile and Board Members


Ordinance 220-1989 (.pdf)


Quick Link: NSP Reporting and Documentation

Invest in Neighborhoods
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