Dinner 2018

Friday, March 9th, 2018
Neighborhood Summit Kick-off Dinner 
Cintas Center

Register here  

5:30 – 6:00 Registration and Networking

6:00- 8:00  Dinner and Program


Eddy Kwon, Director, MYCincinnati
Peg Moertl, Senior Vice President, Community Development Bank Banking, PNC
Ashlee Young, Program Director, The Child Poverty Collaborative

At this year’s Neighborhood Summit Dinner we are going to do things differently. The theme of the Neighborhood Summit this year is Communicate: Share, Connect, Build community. Instead of bringing in a national expert to address the theme, we would like to give you a platform to engage in inclusive community conversations.  

Community conversations and political dialogue can be polarizing, difficult, uncomfortable, overwhelming, and negative. This is especially true when conversations include issues of identity, culture, and history. 

But what if we could have more productive conversations that led to solutions supported by all participants? What if we could listen actively, unpack complex issues, and engage with the diversity of our communities, in ways that would lead to outcomes where everyone can benefit? 

Instead of disengaging, we invite you to engage. Three local community leaders and activists will frame the conversation by sharing how they promote inclusive community dialogue, and then you’ll engage in guided table discussions. The discussions will explore one of three scenarios that represent community life. The scenarios will not have easy solutions. In identifying a position and working through a strategy, you’ll confront issues of race, class, gender, gentrification, and age. We anticipate that these conversations will not be easy or simple, but they will give us all an opportunity to practice the skills necessary to have more productive and inclusive community conversations with one another that lead to better outcomes. 



As always, thank you to the Community Building Institute for hosting the dinner, and the generosity of PNC Bank for making it such a memorable event.

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