2020 Program

My Neighborhood Counts. Everybody Counts

Saturday March 14, 2020      Quick Links: Program  |  Kick-off Event  |  Display Tables | 

Important announcement:

2020 Neighborhood Summit Postponed

After working with our partners to put in place proper procedures and protocols to limit the spread of contagion, in light of the rapidly changing events in the state and the daily changing landscape regarding preparedness and response to COVID-19, we are postponing the 2020 Neighborhood Summit scheduled for Saturday, March 14. After discussion with our partners, sponsors, and vendors, and the impact of several announced corporate and Ohio public policies, it was decided that proceeding with an abundance of caution was the appropriate action with respect to the public safety concerns of our community.  The Kick-Off event the preceding evening is also postponed.  We are currently working on our contingency plan for moving forward and will provide further details as decisions are made.  

(find Bios here)

Concurrent Sessions – morning
Conference Rooms BQ2 and BQ1, main floor • Conference Rooms C1/2 and C4/5 upper floor

9:15 – 10:55


Empowering Our Neighborhoods and Citizens: Preliminary Results from the Community     Councils Study and the Cincinnati Heritage Project 

Julie Olberding • Darrin Wilson • Joseph Ewald • Rosalia Polter

This session delves into two efforts related to neighborhood and citizen empowerment in Cincinnati, led by NKU’s MPA program. One project examines Community Councils in terms of their roles, capacity, and effectiveness, with preliminary results discussed. The second project focuses on a resident-based effort, called “placekeeping”, to identify and document cultural heritage assets in rapidly redeveloping neighborhoods starting in Camp Washington, Price Hill and Walnut Hills.


Hispanics: Evolution, Growth and Impact on The Future of Greater Cincinnati.

Joe Nava

A discussion as to Hispanic contribution to key institutions in Greater Cincinnati: as consumers, as homeowners and students, employees, contractors.


Addressing Cincinnati Public School’s Growth through Neighborhood, Parent and other Stakeholders’ Engagement

Laura Mitchell • Sarah Trimble-Oliver • members of School Board


Everyone Counts in Energy Efficiency

Carla Walker • Savannah Sullivan

10:10 – 10:50


Community Development: Lessons Learned: Engaging the Neighborhood in Business District Development and Neighborhood Revitalization

Matt Strauss • Seth Walsh • Leslie Rich

What would a program aimed at funding and resourcing community-based, Black- led ideas look like? What happens when a traditional funder transfers design power to community leaders? Join us for a conversation around the creation, design and launch of Black Empowerment Works.


Investing in Black-led Ideas: A Community/Funder Journey

Jena Bradley • Terri Hurdle • Kendra Davis

What would a program aimed at funding and resourcing community-based, Black- led ideas look like? What happens when a traditional funder transfers design power to community leaders? Join us for a conversation around the creation, design and launch of Black Empowerment Works.


Civic Engagement at the Local Level: How to Take Effective Local Action

Patrice Watson • Jim DeBrosse

This presentation discusses Ohio Civics Essential – an ongoing series to improve civics knowledge for Ohio adults produced by Soapbox Cincinnati. One broad narrative theme in the series is “Your Power as a Citizen” with upcoming stories addressing why it’s critical Ohio needs to be counted properly in this census plus how citizens make a difference in their own backyard featuring examples of local citizen activists who turned their complaints into effective government action


The Madisonville Community Studio: Exploring Race and Development

Sarah Corlett • Residents from Madisonville

Design Impact and 20 Madisonville residents, community workers, and business owners this past year to look closely at the intersection of race and development. At its core, this project has been an opportunity for participants to connect to one another in new ways and to deepen relationships across race, leaning into tough but necessary conversations about how racism works within us, in our communities and in the systems and structures we are a part of. When we can have these conversations and truly understand how we may experience neighborhood change differently, we can come together to demand equitable development policies and practices.

11:05 -11:45


Draft Recommendations from the Community Wide Housing Strategy.

Kathy Schwab • Liz Blume

The affordable housing crisis is one of the biggest challenges facing our region. For every 100 of the lowest income households in Hamilton County, there are only 28 units of housing that are both affordable and available. In Hamilton County, a household must make $17 per hour to afford a fair market rate 2-bedroom apartment without being cost-burdened, the equivalent of two full-time jobs at the current minimum wage. Organizations across the region have come together around this critical call to action. This session presents the draft policy recommendations from the Community Wide Housing Strategy.


Designing Community Health at the Neighborhood Level

Kiana Trabue • Maryse Amin

This engaging and interactive session gives a voice to the community and creates an opportunity for everyday experts to be engaged in a community health improvement process that could make a difference in their health at the neighborhood level. Help co-create community health initiatives that bring forth collective action to address factors that contribute to higher health risks or poorer health outcomes for specific populations.


Community Collaboration Along the Beekman Corridor: How Residents and Neighborhood-serving Organizations Work Together to Effect Change

Sr Barbara Busch • Residents and partners from the Beekman St Corridor Coalition

Community change in low-income neighborhoods is challenging, and it takes a village. In South Cumminsville, South Fairmount, North Fairmount, and Millvale, dedicated residents are partnering with WIN to galvanize local stakeholders and neighborhood-serving organizations to effect change, Attendees will hear about innovative planning efforts to positively impact residential, commercial, and industrial properties along the Beekman corridor, as well as specific examples of the tools that residents and neighborhood-serving organizations bring to the table for these types of planning and engagement efforts.


The Justice League: Teens Leading Neighborhood Change

Jenna Hippensteel • Michelle Ricica• Thomas Cortez • Aluchion Davis • Izaiah Cathey • Elijah Cathey • Charles Harris

Members of the Justice League, a group of teenagers in Lower Price Hill, will share a brief presentation about their group and community work in the neighborhood. The Justice League formed after a rise in gun violence over the summer when the media kept reporting stories about Lower Price Hill being a “bad” and “dangerous” neighborhood. The group now meets weekly to discuss different social issues and plan and carry out community service projects. In the session, Justice League members will have conference participants break into small groups and complete some of the activities that they have done in their time together.

Concurrent Sessions – afternoon

1:40 – 2:25


Community Councils – Different Neighborhoods, Different Needs, Different Strategies

Elissa Pogue • Fred Neurohr • Patrick Ormond

Join current and former Community Council Presidents from Mt Washington, Northside, and East End for a lively discussion from three different neighborhoods with three different perspectives on strategies for the work of Community Councils: “Governance that Nurtures the Dignity of All Races”, “Established Processes: Greater Bandwidth, Better Service“, and “Sometimes the Sidewalk is More Important than Social Media Communication”


Greater Cincinnati Counts: How to Get Your Neighborhood Counted for the 2020 Census

Chandra Yungbluth • Katherine Keough-Jurs

The Greater Cincinnati Complete Count Committee will lead a session about the Census on the brink of the self-response form opening. Session will include what to expect from the Census, opportunities to get engaged in the community as outreach picks up to encourage a high response rate, and the ability to coordinate a community calendar so people know where census-related activities are taking place.


Cincinnati 2030: Generational Resiliency

Samantha Essel-Addo • Chas Wiederhold • Steven Kenat

Downtown Cincinnati is more vibrant than it has been in generations. But with 40% of its resurgent population composed of millennials (almost double that of Boomers and Gen X), its ongoing resilience may depend on how the city’s infrastructure shifts to support this generation’s changing lives. For instance, over 60% of the urban core’s total residential units are occupied by singles. What happens as more millennials have families? Will we develop the housing and infrastructure to support them or will we see a generational flight? Will Cincinnati’s inner ring suburbs catch the flight or will these millennials flee further? This session asks what it takes to make a generationally resilient Cincinnati using survey data collected in real time to explore attendee’s motivations for living where they do and asks what amenities and infrastructure they need to support their lives in that place, now and in the years ahead.


HearUsNow: Youth Voice Alliance

Kareem Moncree-Moffett • Renee Hevia • Rick Wolf • Members of the Youth Executive Team

Our nonprofit collects youth serving organizations and puts them at the same table to magnify youth voices. We’ve formed a Youth Executive Team, Think Tanks and will have a Youth Social Media Summit. Come hear from the youth. What their concerns are for our city and neighborhood organizations and puts them at the same table to magnify youth voices. We’ve formed a Youth Executive Team, Think Tanks and will have a Youth Social Media Summit. Come hear from the youth. What their concerns are for our city and neighborhoods

2:35 – 3:20


What exactly is The Port? How Cincinnati and Hamilton County’s Port Authority uses Unique Tools and Programs to Move Our Region Forward

Bill Fischer • Jessica Powell • Deborah Robb

A lot of Ohio counties have port authorities, but no two are the same. Learn more about The Port and how it is uniquely designed to take on some of our region’s toughest challenges. The Port’s work is real estate: making it productive and creating civic and social benefit through equitable redevelopment. From shuttered manufacturing plants to vacant business districts to abandoned homes, broken real estate can hold communities back. The Port is pioneering new models of equitable redevelopment to bring good-paying jobs to our region, help entrepreneurs set up storefronts, increase opportunities for homeownership, and make real estate work for everyone in our region. This panel will take a look at what The Port is, its areas of focus, and specific case studies showing how The Port works with communities, organizations, companies, and residents.


Eviction Prevention – How the City and Community Partners are Working to Combat the Issue.

Greg Landsman • Art Dahlberg • Erica Faaborg • Mary Reid

This panel will discuss the newly passed legislation package, as well as other programs that have been created to combat unjust eviction. We will also discuss looking forward and how these tools will help keep families in their homes and promote quality affordable housing in the City.


Beyond the Council Meetings: Using Creative Ways to Gather Input Inclusively

Calcagno Cullen, Wavepool

People are over-committed, meetings are long, and there are plenty of other obstacles that can get in the way of residents regularly attending council meetings. However, whether folks can attend or not, their voice is important, and they often have plenty to say about how they’d like to see the neighborhood progress. At Wave Pool, we take listening deeply as one of our core values, and have tested out several modes of understanding our community’s needs in creative and inclusive ways. This session will look at several case studies of ways that we’ve creatively gathered input both in Camp Washington as well as with other communities in Cincinnati. Perhaps most interestingly is that these modes of collecting data do much more than collect data – they build friendships and trust within a community, and allow everyone to feel valued and a part of the story moving forward.


Cincinnati’s Capital Budget and Making Your Neighborhood Count!

Chris Bigham • Brian Gay • Jared Ellis

This informational session provides an overview of the City’s Biennial Budget, including how Community Budget Requests (CBRs) and Neighborhood Project Suggestions (NPS) fit into the overall City Budget process. The focus of this session is to outline the process for submitting CBRs and how City funds are allocated.


3:30 – 4:15


How to Work the Development Process to Meet Neighborhood Goals

Ioanna Paraskevopolous • Margy Waller • Mary Clare Rietz • Local development professionals

How and when should we engage developers? We want to be able to request the full range of possible benefits, like affordable housing, or lower cost items including the placement, quality, or type of lighting; local and minority hiring requirements; job quality and wages; the addition or placement of green space or art; safety features; commercial leases that meet neighborhood needs; and environmentally- friendly amenities. This workshop will shed light on the timing and specifics of putting together the deal. We’ll ask developers to think about how best to ensure there are opportunities for developers and residents to work together on neighborhood goals. Bring your popcorn. This session will include a discussion with development pros we’ve asked to consider these questions. We’ll see a short film together—a creative enactment of how the process can go wrong—and then we’ll discuss your ideas about how to make it go right.


Taking Action, Being Safe & Building Neighborhoods Where Everyone Counts

Dorothy Smoot • Andria Carter • Kevin Laudat

Neighborhood Summit participants all want to live in safe and healthy neighborhoods. Ongoing safety issues can intrude on everyone’s home or “Fortress of Solitude.” To combat the safety intrusions affecting your “Fortress of Solitude”, the Community Police Partnering Center is proposing an interactive workshop that will help Summit Participants develop strategies to help neighborhood residents work collectively and collaboratively. Through group activities, Summit Participants will develop a Call to Action using Problem Solving tools (SARA, CPTED) to help find. the root causes of neighborhood issues and sustainable solutions. The workshop will help bolster efforts in building community capacity and utilize diverse viewpoints.


Public Community Design Workshops by AIA Cincinnati

Jeff Raser • Couper Gardner • John Kornbluh

The Urban Design Committee of AIA Cincinnati, has led several community engagement workshops over the past 10+ years. These public workshops have enabled community stakeholders the opportunity to voice opinions about what they would like to see built in their neighborhoods. This session will review past community design workshops hosted by the Urban Design Committee of the American Institute of Architects – Cincinnati chapter. Based upon the premises that everyone’s opinion matters, and that the urban design of neighborhoods deeply affects people’s everyday lives, this session will examine how these workshops were put together, transpired, and what became of the community’s efforts.


The Tree Project

Freda Epum • Danyetta Najoli

The Tree Project is a collaborative participatory history lesson/immersive performance experience. It is developed in collaboration with African-American educators, artists, writers, and non-profit professionals. The project was created in response to the Kairos Blanket Exercise by indigenous Canadian leaders, the Starfire String Exercise by dis/ability justice experts, and the New York Times 1619 project. BASE is a 90-minute interactive workshop that educates audiences about the legacies of slavery in modern American society–especially in the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area–and its after effects in housing, the medical establishment, prison system, schooling, and other areas in which Black Americans are affected. This experience is designed to evoke a sense of reckoning during this 400th anniversary since black Africans were brought to America.


Throughout the event

Engagement Corridor

Join us all day for Census2020 activities put together by the Greater Cincinnati Counts Committee – ask the experts and get your questions answered or visit the Census Café to sign up and other ways to interact

Lunch artist

Aprina Johnson combines music, arts, and community engagement to make us all feel “Everybody Counts” (BQ2)

Visit the Display Tables

Check out all the organizations and people who work on supporting great neighborhoods: get information, ask questions, make connections (Concourse)



Invest in Neighborhoods
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