Neighborhood Summit

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My Neighborhood Counts. Everybody Counts

For almost 20 years the Summit has been the place to gather to exchange ideas, discuss issues, collaborate on solutions, and connect to the people who work diligently to make our neighborhoods places we celebrate.

Although this year we are not able to come together, it seems as important as ever, if not more so, to gather, talk and share.  To that end, we are hosting the Neighborhood Summit as a series of virtual events using multiple platforms and hosting at various times to connect as many people as possible

The theme is timeless yet extremely relevant right now:  My Neighborhood Counts. Everybody Counts is manifesting in so many ways across this city – across our neighborhoods, throughout our communities, in our families.

We have created multiple series – each will have a series of virtual events (panels, webinars, or presentations)


Please join us for Transformation: Continuing the work in our neighborhoods and communities

For more information :  Programs and Sessions

Please join us for Civic Engagement: Voice, Participation, Action.  

This series looks at efforts to continue the work of civic life at a time of crisis response that has forced many into virtual participation and during a period of civil unrest that has focused the lens on racial disparity and inequity.  How do we lend our voices, participate, act upon our principles and respond to need?

We will share opportunities to participate, host panels for discussion about continuing the work of participating in civic life, and look at creative means of civic engagement

This series will primarily run through the month of June – it will be at different times throughout the month, so stay tuned for announcements

For more information go to: Program and Sessions


Please join us for Supporting our Neighborhoods: Collaborative Neighborhood Responses to COVID 19 beginning this Thursday May 7

This series presents 4 lunchtime panels, Thursdays at 12pm throughout May, hosted by David Mann
Sessions are 30 minutes total, including Q&A

For more information :  Programs and Sessions


Special Event:  Black American Tree Project
Pleases join us for this immersive, interactive, participatory event.  Each Summit we highlight or debut local innovative and interesting work in our “Engagement Corridor” and through workshops. This program would have debuted at the 2020 Summit. The organizers/authors, L. Danyetta Najoli and Freda Epum, have worked hard to prototype this into a virtual experience that is uplifting and enlightening.

For more information :  Programs and Sessions




The Neighborhood Summit is THE annual event which brings together hundreds of community leaders and volunteers, city officials and non-profits in a day long series of seminars and workshops aimed at helping citizens work effectively together to improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods. Last year’s event was attended by over 600 people.

Invest in Neighborhoods’ 19th annual Summit would not be possible without the hard work of our Summit partners, our volunteers, and the generosity of our funders

For more information, contact us: [email protected]

As always, the Neighborhood Summit is free to everyone, however donations (of any amount!) are always welcome to help us continue to bring you this quality event every year!  

Donate here



Invest in Neighborhoods
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