Dinner: Fri March 10 Summit: Sat March 11 Cintas Center, XU
This is equity: just and fair inclusion into a society in which all can participate, prosper, and reach their full potential (Policy Link)
Widespread neighborhood revitalization and growth is unsustainable without equity of opportunity, access, and inclusion across a broad spectrum, including health, education, housing, jobs and civic participation. This year’s theme, Building Equitable Futures, encourages our community to come together to tackle the challenges and bring forward ideas for building a future for all.
Keynote Dr Beverly Scott
Dr Scott is a frequent motivational speaker on the critical need to invest in smart infrastructure to advance American competitiveness and sustainable outcomes. Her presentation will focus on transportation equity.
Registration and breakfast begins 7:15 am
Opening: Mayor John Cranley
Plenary: Eileen Cooper Reed
Eileen is a well known and highly regarded Cincinnati activist, formerly the President of Cincinnati Public Schools Board and currently working to advance intersections in equity.
Lunch Time Awards:
Vice Mayor David Mann Announcing the Annual Neighborhood Summit Community Awards
City Manager Harry Black Announcing this year’s Engage Cincy! winners
New this year: Building Equity Workshops.
Join other community members in a series of engaging and active sessions that explore building equity in our communities as it relates to health, safety, transportation, housing, economy, infrastructure and education.
Invest in Neighborhoods’ 15th annual Summit would not be possible without the hard work of our Summit partners: the City of Cincinnati, the Community Building Institute, LISC and the CDC Association and the generosity of our funders: Seasongood, PNC, CDF, First Financial, the Haile Foundation and the City of Cincinnati
Quick Links: Dinner Program Equity Workshops Tables Awards Sponsors
The Neighborhood Summit is THE annual event which brings together hundreds of community leaders and volunteers, city officials and non-profits in a day long series of seminars and workshops aimed at helping citizens work effectively together to improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods. Last year’s event was attended by over 600 people.
For more information, contact us: Cincinnati Neighborhood Summit