Neighborhood Activation Fund Final Report

Final Reports are due March 2, 2023

Neighborhood Activation Fund Final Report (.doc)


Please fill out  (type!)

  • Summary Information
  • Separately, For EACH Reporting Outcome:
    1. Fill out Part 1 – Description of activities for that Reporting Outcome
    2. Submit Part 2 – Detailed Expense Report for that Reporting Outcome
    3. Attach full documentation set for that Reporting Outcome
  • Submit report to [email protected] no later than Thurs, March 2, 2023


Please make sure file name(s) include your organization name and, if in sections, the name of the section.  EG  AwesomeCommunityCouncil.pdf  or AwesomeCommunityCouncil_Summary.doc; AwesomeCommunityCouncil_YouthPrograms.doc 


Detailed expense and documentation instructions:


Record the following information:




Type of Payment
(cash, check, card, ACH)


You may use the table provided in the form or submit an excel sheet / accounting software report



(Front end:  What did we pay for?;  Back end:  Proof that the funds came out of your account)

Front end – invoices, agreements, timesheets, requests for reimbursement, or copy of receipts

Back end:  Proof that the funds came out of your account:  copy of cashed checks or, if using debit or credit card, copy of statement

Statements:  feel free to cross out pertinent information, although it will be kept confidential.

 Make sure you highlight the transactions for the expense report the statement goes with. 

 If you have the same statement for more than one Reporting Outcome, you provide a copy and highlight for EACH Reporting Outcome

Neighborhood Activation Fund Final Report (.doc)

Invest in Neighborhoods
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