Invest in Neighborhoods envisions a city of engaged and effective Community Councils working collaboratively to build strong neighborhoods.
Our mission is to empower community councils and their resident members, volunteers, and related community organizations to contribute to civic life and advance the quality of life in Cincinnati’s neighborhoods, by increasing capacities and competencies, assisting with resources, and promoting civic engagement.
We do this through:
2022 annual report
Hear about our work in 2020 (5 mn video from 2020 Night of the Neighborhoods)
Invest in Neighborhoods was created in 1982 by the Community Councils to “reduce neighborhood tensions and lessen the burdens of government, to combat neighborhood deterioration, and to promote social welfare by supporting organizations designed to accomplish these purposes”. The Community Councils, their volunteers, and their partner organizations reach and support all of the 300,000+ residents of Cincinnati, and the people who choose to work and play in Cincinnati, by forming the backbone of each neighborhood committed to making their neighborhoods thrive. When the community organizations in these neighborhoods work effectively they make a real difference in the quality of life for people who live there. Improving the ability of the community to organize, problem solve, and build upon their resources benefits all, including people that live in low-income communities, communities of color, and communities that have not benefited from the renewed interest in our urban neighborhoods.